Indian English Literature MCQ Set - 2
11. Savitri, an epic
in blank verse, was written by :
R. N. Tagore (b) Sri Aurobindo
Torn Dutt (d) Sarojini Naidu.
12. Who among the
following poets was born of an Indian mother and a Portuguese father and was
also the first celebrated poet in Indian English Poetry?
Michael Madhusudan Dutt
B. M. Malasbari
Nissim Ezekiel
Henry Derozio.
13. Nissim Ezekiel
“was the first Indian poet to express a modern Indian sensibility in modern
idiom.” Who said these words ?
K. N. Daruwalla (b) A. K. Ramanujan
Jayant Mahapatra . (d) Dilip Chitra.
14. " I regard
myself as an Indian poet writing in English." Who said these words about his Own poetry?
Nissim Ezekiel (b) Dom Morals
K. N. Daruwalla (d) Kamala Das
15. K. N. Daruwalla observes:
“He brings to his poetry an authenticity of experience but the experienced is
seized through a perspective of the past, a configuration of familial
relationship and his ironic perception.” Who is he?
Nissim Ezekiel (b) Jayant Mahapatra (C) R.Parthasarthy (d) A. K. Ramanujan.
16. K. N. Daruwalla
was awarded the Sahitya Academy Award for ......... in 1984.
Apparition in April (b) Crossing of Rivers
The Keeper of the Dead (d) Landscapes.
17. A Professor of
Physics turned a poet at the age of forty in 1968. Who is the poet.
Shiva K. Kumar (b) Jayant Mahapatra (c) O. P. Bhatnagar (d) Nissim Ezekiel.
18. What is the
correct group of Kamala Das’ poems in chronological order ?
Summer in Calcutta - The Descendents - The Old Playhouse and Other Poems
-Collected Poems
Collected Poems - Summer in Calcutta - The Old playhouse and Other Poems - The
The Old Playhouse and Other Poems -Summer in Calcutta - Descendents - Collected
None of these.
19. Which of Mahatma
Gandhi’s works “is one of the imperishable classics of our time”?
Hind Swaraj (b) Young India
The Story of My Experiments with Truth
(d) None of these.
20. Who is the author
of the Glimpes of World History and the Discovery of India ?
M. K. Gandhi (b) Rajgopalachari
J. L. Nehru (d) B. G. Tilak.
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