Exercise of Prosody and Figures of Speech

Exercise of Prosody and Figures of Speech
University Of Gour Banga

Scan the following verse and mention the prosodic name, if any.

Question - 1
Alack, it was I who leaped at the sun,
To give it my loving friends to keep!
Nought man could do have I left undone:
And you see my harvest, what I reap
This very day, now a year is run.

Question - 2
The lights begin to twinkle from the rocks:
The long day wanes: the slow moon climbs the deep
Moans round with many voices. Come, my friends,
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.

Question - 3
Much have I traveled in the realms of gold
And many goodly states and kingdoms seen;
Round many western islands have I been

Which bards in fealty to Apollo hold.

Read the following short story and identify the use of figures of speech and explain.

My Big Brother, Donnie
I wish I was as fast as my big brother, Donnie. He is a cheetah on the basketball court. Before each game, he is so excited he is about to explode! The basketball court seems to be calling his name! During the game, many exciting events happen. There are times when the ball is like a magnet attracted to his hands. Donnie is a protective mother cub when guarding the ball. The crowd is bouncing off the walls when he has the ball! The energy level in the room is like a power plant working overtime! Donnie kills me with his athleticism! If the game becomes tied, the crowd becomes as quiet as a sleeping baby. Some fans are so into the game, you sense they could toss their cookies at any moment. They are worried their team is in a pickle. Occasionally, the singing of a cell phone is heard as a fan receives an urgent call. If you look at Donnie, he is a confident warrior. He knows the ball will be searching for him in the moments to come. The crowd explodes as overtime play begins. Donnie searches the court like a hungry lion looking for food. His basketball skills are out of this world! He jumps as high as a kangaroo! The crowd is a roaring ocean! The basketball finds the net! The buzzer announces the end of the game. Donnie and his team flip their lids as they celebrate a victory!

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